Thursday, May 27, 2010

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


So much is just building up and up and up on top of me.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Finally, I am liberated from your bullshit kind. It was a good time, but I have grown up, and grown past you. I am now truly alone, and will use this time to find a true self without external conflict.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Black Water Gold

This is a link to our demo, which we recorded in the middle of a wet May in 2010. We had two days to throw these songs together, and record. "Alternative folk" is a new approach on write and musical taste for me. So, let's see how this goes.
Black Water Gold

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


...until the middle of June. I continue to be under constant stress, but this is resolving in a positive manner. It sucks that the immediate lives of some fortunate but seemingly stupid youth can be drastically fucked up by some idiot behind a desk. Luckly, there are some real people behind that desk who try and help out the situation with mannerisms of good intentions.

Monday, May 17, 2010


I've looked around and have done my share of time. Few look at this opportunity as a sort of forced-education prison, others for its intended purpose. But, we all eventually move on and move out, abandoned our childhood, and pick up the burdens of being a purposed adult with underlying responsibility.

Everyday, I saw the same flat-brimmed, black-cultured, drug-abusing, apathetic dudes stray from the idea of individualism to fit some popular demand while the caked-face, insecure, slut pairs up with these wastes to only form the perfect unity of trash. But fortunately, these "individuals" make up what our society will use as a floor for the elite to walk on.

The success driven ones seem like the light, and the good. Ascended on to the pedestal by the unseen panel of elites, they allude that they have got it right. Truthfully, after all this responsibility is absorbed, they almost implode from the internal pressure. The junior elite do not differ from the floor in the sense of insecurity, though. Their pressures just exist from a different machine.

Now somewhere I fit into the middle. Leaving all of this behind to search and explore the world for what it really is. I advise you empty your mind of these undeveloped concepts of popular conformity. They will not keep you alive very long.

El Kamino

Very influential. Elk is one of my favorite artists from Richmond. Banishing the good and evil concept, and let the opposing entities just be.

THE PROCESS Ep. 15 - El Kamino from RVA TV on Vimeo.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Monday, May 10, 2010


You're all liars, cheaters, and thieves. But, I'm no better. Coincidentally, I do not live with some oppression of the concept of "good and evil." With that said, why does this affect me down to the core? I am dying.


Don't take your guns to town, son.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Perfection would involve traveling anywhere and everywhere with one person, exploring the urban abandonment, and splashing a bit of color on it.

Friday, May 7, 2010


Originality has dissolved into nothingness. Live in someone else's perfection, but I see your flaw.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Alas, the difficulty of proving a negative (such as "God") to the common man is great. But, providing feasible rationality of modern science to a theist is just as difficult. Existing in a theism-ridden world is a tough thing to accomplish. No, these "struggles" do not relate to the homosexual front, or common racism, but this religious feud is very concurrent. The development of modern science is in fact deconstructing the monotheistic religions of the world, and frankly, we are not ready for it. But, will we ever?

Obviously, the discovery and study of quantum mechanics and basic scientific fundamentals opens new doors for the dimensions of a "God", which theists and theologians use to their advantage. The substitution and metamorphosis of their own religion introduces these discoveries as existence and proof of their "God." But, why not simply devolve from blatant theism and accept modern science? More questions arise, such as the validity of science and "how much do we really know?" But, these views are misconstrued by a religious standing. Religion and science are not the same. Science (by definition) is "the state of knowing : knowledge as distinguished from ignorance or misunderstanding." Essentially, these are gathered facts , according to the natural, defined, and universal laws of physics. We are now beginning to unravel the mysterium of the universe in which we exist, without a "God" complex.

I do not preach Atheism. I feel we should all individually attempt to understand the existence in which we aimlessly travel using gained experience and knowledge. But, we are entering a Post-Christian era. These ideas of a secular world are slowly taking effect. Whether the views of the Muslim faith or beautiful science engulfs the Earth, the frontier of science will steadily remain pushing on. Christianity will essentially disregard its ancient beliefs and adopt a more spiritual, dimensional based "God", unfortunately with definitions given by science.

This effect is going on now, with a lot of Christians that I speak with. Most of them adopt creationist views, in attempts to coincide with modern science. They obviously do not know how easily creationism can be debunked. But, most are terribly apathetic towards the discoveries of modern science, or they arrogantly discern them as wrong. But, it is easiest to let them speak. Ultimately, the differences between us all are only surface-deep.

In the past, it was thought that the laws of physics restricted the idea of something from nothing, ie. the creation of our universe from an infinitely dense singularity into the vastness which it resides now. But, this is now possible, further proving the "Big Bang" theory. Thus, the idea of everything having once been the same. We are all part of the universe, and we are all basically made up of the same particles that, out of absolute chance, form each and every one of us. This structure eventually dissolves, but not entirely. In a way, we forever continue to exist as part of this universe. Take this and view it as you may (as reincarnation, continuation of the "soul", or what have you), but this is a purely scientific view.

This is a loosely constructed idea. I am a Heathen to some, but a freethinker to others.


I really need you with me now. Exert all this bullshit aside and let's make things better.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Blogging enjoyable! Unfortunately, I don't have alot of concrete ideas for [id]. Hmmmmm...better get to thinking